The Peruvian Army Center for Strategic Studies (CEEEP) has formulated this List of Key Strategic Issues (LTEC) to help the research community focus on those issues of greatest relevance to the Peruvian Army, the Defense Sector, and the country. , according to the following criteria:
Relevance. Research on LTEC topics should have the potential to shape the Army’s institutional actions and policies, rather than just common information.
Priority. The selection of LTEC topics is carried out in collaboration with the Directorates of the Army General Staff and the Army Divisions, showing the importance and urgency of the topics to be investigated or analyzed.
Suitability. The LTEC adapts to the research capabilities of the different educational entities of the Army Education and Doctrine Command and the research community that addresses strategic issues.
While strategic themes tend to remain constant from year to year, issues can change in response to the security environment, defense policy, and ongoing investigation, so the LTEC will need to be updated every two years or based on specific needs. they come forward.
The first section of the LTEC considers the change in the strategic environment, addressing important issues that define this dynamic. On the other hand, the second section reflects the Army’s strategy to achieve its vision, focusing on improving institutional management and developing capacities. In addition, the key strategic issues or issues that focus the research and analysis are listed under each section, in no order of priority.
The CEEEP conducts research and analysis to solve strategic problems faced by the Army, the Defense Sector, and the country. In this sense, we would appreciate it if you send your comments and suggestions for future LTEC issues and problems to the email