Emerging Global Crises

December, 2023

Published by: Peruvian Army Center for Strategic Studies

Publications · Strategic Analysis Notebooks Series

Emerging Global Crises

By Oscar Luis Calle Pérez, Manolo Eduardo Villagra, Francisco Clemente Rodríguez Urbina and Luis Alex Alzamora de los Godos Urcia. This is a Peruvian Army Center for Strategic Studies (CEEEP) publication.

In the 21st century, humanity faces an inescapable reality: the presence of environmental problems that generate scenarios with significant impacts on global security and the welfare of states. These are characterized by climate change, deforestation, water and air pollution, loss of biodiversity, scarcity of natural resources, among others, and consequently pose multidimensional challenges that transcend borders and affect states at the global, hemispheric, regional and state levels.

The articles that make up this research address crucial aspects. They examine how environmental crises, such as global warming and climate variation, trigger adverse effects that threaten social, economic and political stability at the state, hemispheric and global levels. In this context, the fundamental role of the Armed Forces (Armed Forces), in particular the Peruvian Army (PA), as part of the State and in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 1137, which regulates the support to the sustainable development of the country, is highlighted, as it must perform in the protection and defense of the environment and the protection of critical areas.

In addition, the emerging food crisis is a multifaceted threat that affects millions of people around the world. The underlying causes, effects and possible solutions to this problem are analyzed, emphasizing the importance of sustainable agriculture, the reduction of inequalities, the strengthening of supply chains and international cooperation.

It also explores migration in South America, examining its origins, characteristics and challenges, considering legitimate concerns about the socio-political and economic impact of migratory flows, as well as the need to address these concerns without falling into unjustified stigmatization.

It also highlights the strategic importance of water from a state security perspective. The increasing pressure on water resources due to climatic variation, industrialization and uncontrolled urban sprawl presents a crucial challenge. The EP, in its new roles established by law, plays a strategic role in the protection of this vital water resource for national security.

The purpose of this publication is to raise awareness among decision makers and the general population of the importance of addressing these scourges from an integral perspective involving both government institutions and the Armed Forces, particularly the Army. In an interconnected world, state security and the wellbeing of the population depend on the capacity to face and overcome these difficulties in a coordinated and effective manner.