
International Geopolitics and the Debate on the Existence of Strategic Sectors

Por: Farid Kahhat Kahhat (06/02/2025). Various public policies in different states have historically been justified by alluding to the strategic nature of the economic sector they involve. Despite this, there is not always clarity regarding what criteria a sector of economic activity should meet in order to be considered strategic, nor is there a consensus definition of the term. Based on specific debates on public policies, this article seeks to discern the criteria underlying the designation of an economic sector as strategic and to elucidate its implications.

Russia’s Strategy Towards Latin America After the War in Ukraine

By: Román Ortiz (31/01/2025). Over the past few years, Russia has developed a systematic strategy to increase its influence in Latin America based on four lines of action: intense diplomatic activity, a broad disinformation campaign, an effort to expand its military presence, and a series of economic projects focused on the energy and mining sectors. Despite having limited resources and having reaped significant failures, Moscow has established a network of satellite States that includes Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, dislocated the regional status quo and developed a privileged dialogue with Mexico and Brazil.

The Road to a New Geopolitical Era

By: Jesús Argumosa (03/01/2024). Most of the indications found in the current geopolitical landscape (characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) are postulated by the return to the old geopolitics of confrontation between blocs, although it is clear that in a different configuration from that which existed during the Cold War of the twentieth century. During the first third of the twenty-first century, a possible geopolitical path has been defined, called dual bipolarity, which, in all likelihood, meets the conditions to establish the new geopolitical era. In other words, two different conceptions of how the new geopolitical era can be structured have been perceived. On the one hand, the one that is based on the values and principles of democracy and, on the other, the one that is based on authoritarianism, the lack of freedom and a repressive order. In Roman Paladino, a geopolitical competition between democratic geostrategic forces and authoritarian geostrategic forces is glimpsed.

Voluntary Military Service as a Key Strategy to Strengthen National Security

By: Manolo Eduardo Villagra (19/12/2024). This article analyzes the Voluntary Military Service (SMV) in Peru and its potential as a strategy to strengthen national security. Reforms are proposed that promote its revaluation and strengthening. This study reviews historical, political and sociological aspects through a qualitative methodology and a critical evaluation of the academic literature, examining the factors that have shaped the development of this service.

The Regional Geopolitics of Health Crises in Latin America

By: Carlos Malamud Rikles and Rogelio Núñez Castellano (12/12/2024). The health crisis that Latin America is currently experiencing due to the spread of dengue fever highlights various structural problems that have not been resolved historically and have accumulated over the last four years. Therefore, this article analyzes how the region reacted to COVID-19, and then compares how many of those errors, inadequacies and inefficiencies, which occurred between 2020 and 2021, have reappeared in 2023 and 2024, although now in relation to dengue.

Europe-Latin America Cooperation Against Organized Crime

By: Ignacio Cosidó Gutiérrez and Luis de Mergelina (05/12/2024). Organized crime is not only a strategic threat for Latin America, but also a serious risk for the European Union. The scale of organized crime in the American subcontinent is often beyond the capacity of governments to deal with it, threatening their institutional stability and seriously undermining coexistence in their societies.

Relations between The Middle East and Latin America

Por: Eva Sáenz-Diez Jaccarini (21/11/2024). A primera vista, poco en común tienen los países árabes y musulmanes con los de América Latina. Sin embargo, desde hace varias décadas, se están tejiendo relaciones bilaterales en diferentes ámbitos. América Latina representa una región de grandes oportunidades y despierta, por lo tanto, el interés de importantes actores globales.

Security Challenges in the Dutch Caribbean

By: Evan Ellis (07/11/2024). This work examines security challenges facing the Dutch Caribbean, including narcotrafficking and other forms of organized crime, money laundering, Venezuelan and other refugee flows, and the little-understood activities of criminal groups operating within the region’s Chinese minority communities. It also examines the successes and challenges in coordination between law enforcement and other government entities in the Dutch Caribbean, and between the Dutch Caribbean and the European Netherlands, with the French, English and Spanish-speaking Caribbean, and with the range of other states and actors in the region.

Chile’s Expanding Defense Relationship with China

By: Evan Ellis (31/10/2024). The article discusses Chile’s Defense Minister, Maya Fernández Allende’s trip to China in September 2024, where she participated in the Xiangshan Defense Forum. During the visit, Fernández expressed her interest in revitalizing defense cooperation between Chile and China, including reactivating a previously established Joint Working Commission.