Boris Saavedra


William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, Washington, DC

Boris Saavedra

William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, Washington, DC

Dr. Boris Saavedra is a retired general officer of the Venezuelan Air Force and holds a degree in Military Sciences and Arts, with an emphasis in Aeronautics. He has completed the Course of Higher Military Studies at the École Supérieure de Guerre Interarmées in France and the Higher Course in National Defense at the Institute of Higher Studies in National Defense of Venezuela. In addition to his PhD from the Gutiérrez Mellado Institute at the National University of Distance Education in Spain, he holds a master’s degree in International Politics and Practice from George Washington University in the United States. In his area of expertise, Peace and International Security, he has co-authored several books and journal articles. Currently, he is a professor at the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. Prior to joining the Perry Center, he was Chief of Academic Affairs at the Inter-American Defense College and Director of Secretariat at Venezuela’s Ministry of National Defense.

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