- Own publications ·
The Peruvian Army Center for Strategic Studies (CEEEP) publishes analyzes and research developed by the Center and by its national and international collaborators. These academic papers must address issues of strategic relevance (included in our research areas and the Army’s Key Strategic Issues List) and include practical policy and strategic recommendations for Army and Defense Sector leaders. For this reason, the academic papers produced must exhibit the highest standards of research, analysis, and scholarship, displaying professional and accessible writing for those responsible for both policy-making and high-level decision-making.
In this sense, below are some details on the composition and design requirements of the documents to be considered for publication on the different CEEEP platforms:
Once an article or monograph has been verified and preliminarily accepted, it will be subjected to a blind review by two members of the CEEEP Editorial Committee. The reviewers will evaluate the content, scholarship, and clarity. relevance of the article, being able to recommend its publication prior corrections (minor or major) or recommend its rejection. It should be noted that a review can take several weeks. The publication priorities of the articles may vary due to the needs of the CEEEP, the Peruvian Army, and the Ministry of Defense. Additionally, each submitted article is unique and some require more editorial or graphic work than others. In this regard, the Center undertakes to streamline the review and publication process as efficiently as possible. However, it is in the authors' interest to provide articles that comply with CEEEP publication standards and requirements. Authors can contact the Center at any time if they have any questions or concerns about the status of their articles.
Finally, the CEEEP has developed an “Academic Articles Writing Guide” to guide and facilitate the writing of articles and monographs for those interested. See below:
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